We’d love to explore this possibility with you!
Harvest Alliance International is devoted to helping missionaries, church planters, and kingdom entrepreneurs fulfill their God-given assignment and increase their kingdom impact. While we are not a funding source, we provide spiritual oversight, supportive care, and financial administration, working diligently to equip our kingdom servants to offer their donors a sophisticated level of care while maintaining the highest levels of fiscal accountability and integrity, freeing our missionaries to better focus on their strategic and creative Gospel-centered ministry initiatives.
Our goal is to encourage you to pursue that which God has laid on your heart to do…to discern His will for your life and to diligently steward your spiritual gifts, natural skills & abilities, unique personality, and ministry passions to extend the kingdom of God. We offer trained coaching and seasoned counsel as we unite around our shared commitment to advance the Gospel around the world.
If you have a special calling upon your life and are looking for an environment of acceptance and opportunity, then please consider joining Harvest Alliance International. Together we can answer our Lord’s request to send out workers into His harvest (Matthew 9:37-38).
Please contact: dennis@harvestallianceintl.org if you’re interested in joining our team!